Monday 29 October 2012

Eye make up Ideas

Neutral Eye Makeup
Neutral look was very popular in the 60's. It comes across as very delicate, soft, and fresh. This could be one of my choices. 

Smoky Eye Makeup
The Smoky eye gives an almost oriental look. Again this appealed to me as a possible choice.

60'S Eye Makeup
This typical 60's style was used to accentuate the eye making it bigger and bolder. This is another one of my main choices. 

Treble Clef Eye Makeup
I find this look unusual, yet unique. Giving the eye a very tonal feature. This is another look I have considered as an option. 

Electric Eye Makeup
The Electric look was mainly used towards the end of the 60's early 70's. I like how the colours bring out the eye making the eye the for front of the facial feature. This appealed to me as another one of my choices.

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