Friday 12 October 2012

Detailed plan of music video production

28th October: planning

·         Drew out a story board of the 30 seconds, and sorted out the timing of each shot.
·        We decided as a group which where the best locations to film the 30 seconds of are chosen music video.   They were;
‘Fozzy’s’ chip shop
 Wyke premises- Side of the ASH building and the Car park.  

1st October: Filming
First day of filming!;
  •           Shot one- Tracking shot of Scott’s feet (Shot at the side of the main entrance of the college).
  •          Shot two- Tracking shot of the shops (Fozzy’s) on the left hand side of the shot.
  •          Shot seven- A medium shot of Scott walking round the corner(Shot from the front of the shops).
2nd October: Filming
Second day of filming;
·         Shot three- Medium wide shot of Benn playing the guitar/ Lip sync (Shot at the side of ASH Building).
·         Shot six- Medium close up of Benn Playing the guitar/ Lip sync (Shot at the side of ASH Building).
·         Shot five- Long shot of Scott walking past railings (Shot opposite the car park).
·         Shot four- Zoom out, with a tilt down of the back of ‘Fozzy’s’ chip shop (Shot at the back of the ASH Building).

3rd October: Filming Third day of filming;
·         Because it had rained on the 2nd of October, we decided to re-shot shots three, six, and seven.
·         Shot three- Medium wide shot of Benn playing the guitar/ Lip sync (Shot at the side of ASH Building).
·         Shot five- Medium close up of Benn Playing the guitar/ Lip sync (Shot at the side of ASH Building).
·         Shot six’s- Long shot of Scott walking past railings (Shot opposite the car park).
·         Shot eight – Long shot of Scott walking from behind a small building, going into a zoom with a slight tilt.
·         Shot nine- Medium back shot of Scott walking down the centre of the car park (shot in the Wyke car park).
·         Shot ten- Medium long shot of Scott walking past a car (Shot in the Wyke car park).

5th October: Filming
Last day of Filming;
·         Because of the rain on the 2nd October, We decided to re-shot shot four.
·         Shot four- Zoom out, with a tilt down of the back of ‘Fozzy’s’ chip shop (Shot at the back of the ASH Building).

8th October: Editing
First day of Editing!;
·         Our group were set up on an editing suit.
·         Pulled across all of the film clips on the editing program, and decided which clips we wanted to dispose of and use.
·         Added the song track on to the editing program.
·           We then started to add and edit the correct clip to each given time.

9th October: Editing
Second day of Editing;
·         Lip Sync the clips of Benn with the song track.
·         Carried on editing each clip to the correct given time.
·         Pieced each editing shot together.

10th October: Editing
Last day of Editing;
·         Once all the clips where in the correct given time, we changed the brightness, contrast, and tone/colour.
·         When finished, we embedded our clip on youtube, and posted it on each members of the group.  

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